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"Confidence in Miguel Albuquerque and Pedro Calado is irreparably compromised"

Country The leader of PS Madeira considers that Pedro Calado – detained on suspicion of corruption –… The leader of PS Madeira, Paulo Cafôfo, has stated that the confidence in Miguel Albuquerque and Pedro Calado, the Mayor of Funchal, regarding these two men detained on suspicion of corruption, is "irremediably compromised" and that Calado "has no conditions whatsoever to continue in office" following this operation. The allegations stem from the arrest of Pedro Caladopresident of the Chamber of Funcal, Avelino Flourleader of the AFA Group, and Custodio CorreiaCEO and main shareholder of the SOCICORREIA group. The detainees are expected to be brought before a judge in Lisbon with a view to judicial interrogation and the application of coercive measures. The close connection between Calado and AFA group, whose headquarters are also being searched, is at the center of this investigation. There are suspicions that the mayor of Funkal benefited the company several times. Miguel Albuquerque, president of the Regional Government of Madeira and president of PS madeira, stated that he will not resign from the Presidency and was available to collaborate with the Public Ministry's investigation.

"Confidence in Miguel Albuquerque and Pedro Calado is irreparably compromised"

Published : 5 months ago by admin in World

The leader of PS Madeira considers that Pedro Calado – detained on suspicion of corruption – “does not have any conditions to continue after this mega operation”.

The leader of PS Madeira, Paulo Cafôfo, said this Wednesday that the confidence of Madeirans in Miguel Albuquerque and Pedro Calado – detained on suspicion of corruption – was “irremediably compromised” and that the Mayor of Funchal “has no conditions whatsoever to continue in office”.

“The PS was analyzing the latest events that affected both the Funchal City Council and the Regional Government of Madeira with enormous concern. We are following the research taking place in the region, but also with repercussions at a national level. (…) Pedro Calado does not have any conditions to continue after this mega operation whose main target is Miguel Albuquerque, president of the Regional Government. The suspicions about the two give us reason to be very concerned about Madeira and the people of Madeira”, stated Paulo Cafôfo.

Three people were detained this Wednesday following searches by the Judicial Police in Madeira on suspicion of corruption. According to an investigation source, the three detainees are Pedro Caladopresident of the Chamber of Funchal, Avelino Flourleader of the AFA Group, and Custodio CorreiaCEO and main shareholder of the SOCICORREIA group.

They will now be brought before a judge in Lisbon, with a view to judicial interrogation and the application of coercive measures.

“Something in this investigation tells us that something very serious is happening in the region, which is not new today, it comes from a long time ago. The PS has been a main whistleblower from a political point of view. Since 2015, we have denounced all these situations, including in three commissions of inquiry held in the Legislative Assembly in Madeira in the last legislature”, emphasizes the leader of PS Madeira.

“I’m not going to resign”; Miguel Albuquerque’s statements

Miguel Albuquerque stated this Wednesday that he will not resign from the Presidency of the Regional Government of Madeira and was available to collaborate “actively” with the PJ and prosecutors in the Public Ministry’s investigation.

The President of the Regional Government also said that he had a clear conscience and clarified that the investigation involving him “it has nothing to do with Quinta do Arco”.

When asked about the arrest of Pedro Calado, president of the Funchal Chamber, he said he had no information about this process, but stressed that detained “is a word that can have several interpretations”.

What is at stake?

SIC’s correspondent in Funchal, Marta Caires, explains that the close connection between Pedro Calado and the AFA group – whose headquarters are also being searched -, the largest civil construction group in Madeira, is at the genesis of this process. There are suspicions that the mayor of Funchal benefited the company on several occasions.

Therefore, the issue is facilitating the adjudication of competitive procedures.

About Miguel Albuquerquethe investigation will aim to determine the contours in which the sale of Quinta do Arco took place, in 2017, where the famous rose garden of the president of the Government of the autonomous region was located.

The sale was made to a real estate fund that works with the Pestana group, which currently manages the space. Also in 2017, at the time the sale was taking place, the Government of Madeira renewed the concession contract for the Free Zone through a direct agreement with the Pestana group.

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