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Southwest Airlines flight returns to Sunport after blown tire

An investigation is underway after a Southwest Airlines flight had to return to the Albuquerque Sunport due to a blown tire Sunday. A Southwest Airlines flight from Phoenix to Albuquerque, New Mexico, had to return to the Albuquerque Sunport due to a blown tire. The flight had to land shortly after takeoff due to the issue, but all 148 passengers were uninjured. An investigation is currently underway. It is unclear when crews discovered about the blown tire, but it is believed that all passengers were unaware of the issue.

Southwest Airlines flight returns to Sunport after blown tire

发表 : 4 周前 经过 Jonathan FjeldTravel

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An investigation is underway after a Phoenix-bound flight had to return to the Albuquerque Sunport due to a blown tire Sunday.

The flight took off around 3:31 p.m. Sunday. A spokesperson for the Sunport says they had to land shortly after that because of a blown tire.

The spokesperson added all 148 people onboard were uninjured. It’s unclear when crews on the plane found out about the blown tire.

话题: Aviation, Airlines

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